Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Wolf at the door

Happy to report that the vote in Greece went the way we hoped it would so we wont be thrown to the wolves just yet... :0)
Its been one of those days when i appear to have got very little done.. as we've spent most of it killing time waiting for a doctors visit..  unfortunately by the time she'd been it was too late to go to the supermarket... so its on my list for tomorrow...

Kitty had an upset tum last night  but seems to be okay again now though i;m keeping my eye on her...  she probably just ate too much... ( i did think to myself that she was putting it away rather... she gets more pudding like every day....)

I remember hearing the poor dear making retching noises from the depths of some dream or other......  but am afraid i was too lazy to leap out of bed to see what what the matter... deciding it would wait till morning...

Its been a fairly dull day today  but no rain.. mind you we are almost into July so am not really expecting rain and some slightly cooler weather is a nice break from the heat... though summer isn't quite on us in full heat yet  though dont suppose it will be long..

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Here we are again....

Nice to see you.. to see you nice..  as Brucie used to say..  and probably still does though its been years since i've seen him..
As some of you know this isn't the first blog i've made.. but as I've a new Google account that is in conflict with the others.... it seems more trouble than its worth to try to re activate them...

So here I am once more out into the cruel cruel world... wondering what on earth i'm going to prattle about in here but i dare say I'll find something...