Saturday, 30 July 2011


Looks like i haven't posted in here  since the bug invasion... which thankfully seems to be over.. at least for now..
though it is a common problem over here
 At the age of  9 ( i think..) my kitty has discovered that she can eat off a saucer  ( depending on how keen she is to eat  whatever it is of course...) After a year of abstinence i have re introduced a little cat food back into her.. dare i say   diet... I hesitated for a moment..  as i'm afraid she has my habit of nibbling..  and has ways of forcing me to do her bidding... ( which anyone who has a self willed cat will be familiar with..)

Today was a good day in that at last i found  enough personal space  to lose myself in working on the portrait again.....  so deep does it take me..  that on  pausing for the day... there is a sense of awakening... and it takes me a moment or two to recall what day it is.... its very like awakening from a dream.

The positive side about the bug visitation... ( pause as i wonder if they might perhaps be alien beings... but were never perceived as such  due to our preconceived ideas.. of what one should look like.. well after all they're small  un green..  and the space ship evaporated on contact... many eons ago when the Trolls roamed the earth...singing tip toe through the tulips...
Ooops i digress... back to positive side.. well thanks to the bugsies..  the apartment is now much tidier.. and cleaner   than it previously was..  which has in a way saved me a job.. as we're looking forward to a visit from my nephew Robert.... so at least he wont have to wade through the debri to find the lads bedroom...  though the bedroom itself still reminds me of wandering through the jungle...  though am told this is a common feature of the rooms of young adult males..

Bed... before i  start sleep talking... if i haven't already.... xxx

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