Friday, 15 July 2011


Well.........  the last stroke was yesterday................ i've sent it to a couple of people so thought I'd post it here too...

Its special to me.....  but i didn't draw it to hide it away...  but because it was something i could still give him... 

Its just that I'm not sure where i feel happy about posting it yet..  how public i want it to become...
This perhaps more than the others which will follow is very personal to me.. i miss not doing it already....  so i will have to settle on something else soon... before I wear a hole in the carpet.... :0)
Hot n sticky here... its also a full moon....which probably explains the very vivid  and lovely dream i had this morning... dad was in it... being his usual dad self.. and I felt incredibly loved  when I awoke....

I'm not terribly good at recalling my dreams.. partly i think because the cat disturbs my sleep to feed her..

This morning i'd gone back to bed and slept heavily..  I only ever remember vivid dreams such as todays was..  so strong was the desire not to let it slip away....  that i grabbed a pencil and paper and quickly jotted down key points before any other thought could enter my head.... because it felt as though in many ways that I'd been given a gift...


1 comment:

  1. That is so incredibly awesome Cathy! You have portrayed him so extremely well.

    I know you miss him... huggles!
